Welcome to 10 mins with LUKE!
Click the headings below to access your folders, and be sure to watch the accompanying videos listed underneath each one.
D - The temptation of Christ *coming soon*
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 4: The temptation'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 5: Waiting for healing'
F - Blessed are you who are poor
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 6: Blessed are you who are poor'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 7: Raising the widows son'
I - Feeding the 5,000 *coming soon*
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 9: Feeding the 5,000'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 10: Mary and Martha'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 11: A friend at midnight'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 12: Do not worry'
M - God's kingdom is like yeast
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 13: God's kingdom is like yeast'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 14: The Great Banquet'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 15: The Prodigal Son'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 16: The rich man and Lazarus'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 19: Zacchaeus'
T - Double Portrait (give me a coin)
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 20: Double Portrait'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 21: The Widow's Offering'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 22: Jesus is arrested'
Don't forget to watch the video below: 'Luke 23: The crucifixion image'