We develop our work for schools in line with the purpose of Curriculum for Excellence; to help pupils develop and communicate their own beliefs as confident individuals, and to make informed choices as responsible citizens.
Religious Observance is defined as 'Community acts which aim to promote the spiritual development of all members of the school community and express and celebrate the shared values of the school community.'
(Report of the Religious Observance Review Group, May 2004)
We're constantly developing our support to schools in delivering Religious Observance (which enables spiritual development, acts of worship in the informal curriculum and chaplaincy), making sure that it complements Curriculum for Excellence.
SU Scotland has a history and reputation for quality schools engagement and is therefore in a unique position to serve schools and help pupils:
- learn from Christian beliefs as well as learning about them
- see authentic faith in practical action
- acquire critical tools which will enable them to develop their own understanding of values and beliefs and those of others
At SU Scotland we are engaged in supporting 700 schools across Scotland, much of which is through helping deliver Religious Observance in assemblies or programmes related to Christian festivals in schools; during "Time for Reflection" when schools visit our residential centres; and through SU Groups in over 450 schools across Scotland.
Pre-Recorded Assembly Material for Primary Schools
Many schools are asking for pre-recorded assembly material to show in classrooms while they are unable to have guests. Follow the link below for resources to help you make assembly videos for your local school to use in classes.
Find out more here!
The following documents contain information and resources on Religious Observance (RO) for teachers, volunteers and supporters.
The key and current document which provides the guidance for the provision of Religious Observance in Scottish education.
Download Provision of Religious Observance in Scottish Schools - March 2017
This briefing for practitioners is intended to explore the aims and purposes of Religious Observance (RO) (often called Time For Reflection) within Curriculum for Excellence but can also be used to inform partner organisations, learners, and their parents and carers, about RO.
Download CFE Briefing Paper 16 (RO/TFR)
The Religious Observance Template
Two documents to help our understanding of how to prepare Religious Observance events:
- How to complete the Religious Observance template - written by the National Religious Observance Advisory Group in 2006 and approved by HMIe, it is now used in the training course offered by Glasgow University.
- Experience in using the Religious Observance template - by Jen Robertson (formerly, SU Scotland)
Guidance for School chaplains
CVE Scotland has produced this Code of Conduct which can be helpful for new, or established relationships with schools. Rev. Steve Younger, CVE Scotland’s school chaplaincy project leader, has written this Code of Conduct, gaining advice and positive feedback from school chaplains and headteachers.
CVE's code of Conduct for School Chaplains
The Church of Scotland's Education Committee produced Guidance for School Chaplains in March 2017. SU Scotland and CVE Scotland contributed with others to this 24 page handbook. The underlying purpose was to raise awareness and understanding of chaplaincy within non-denominational schools and across the Curriculum for Excellence; to explore related theology and the praxis of ministry as a school chaplain.
Download the Church of Scotland's Guidance for School Chaplains
Rev Steve Younger, one of the other contributers to this handbook, published Time for Reflection: A Guide to School Chaplaincy and Spiritual Development in September 2018. It offers clear and essential guidance on a wide variety of topics: the role of chaplains in relation to pupils, parents, staff and the whole school community guidelines on appointing chaplains codes of conduct involving chaplains in the delivery of curriculum content chaplaincy and pastoral care chaplaincy and crisis support a practical theology of chaplaincy.
View Time for Reflection: A Guide to School Chaplaincy and Spiritual Development on Amazon.