We use video games to engage with young people in-person and online, by focusing on games that have a community focus – either in a game where people compete against each other, or games where people work together to achieve a goal.

For more information on any aspect of how we use video gaming, please contact the team.


We run a holiday and a weekend dedicated to video gaming. Exploring common video game themes such as good vs evil, resurrection, and questing allows us to look at the exact same themes in the Bible!


We are now piloting the use of esports (competitive video gaming) as a means of local mission for secondary aged young people. Gaming gathers young people, and many love to compete for a prize. If you’d like to know more about using esports for mission, please contact Bruce Lockhart, our Missions Development Manager.

Gaming Online

SU Scotland maintains an online community on Discord, and young people meet online weekly to play video games, pray and explore the Bible together. If you’d like to get involved, please get in touch!

We have an FAQ for parents who would like to know more about how SU uses gaming online.