Will you partner with us in prayer for 2024?
As Team Leaders begin the process of building their teams for Holidays and Missions happening this Easter and Summer, we also want to build a team of prayer warriors who will commit to praying for all that is happening at events. The prayer team are as vital to events as the cooks team, the small group leaders, or those leading activities, as we realise our total dependence on God for protection, for direction and for His presence at work in young people’s lives at events.
We have a really exciting programme of Holidays and Missions and Holidays Clubs planned for this Easter and Summer. We have also been really encouraged to see so many young people signing up to attend our COmMISSION training events to prepare to serve as leaders for the first time at events. Publicity for the Holidays programme is now out in the hands of SU staff, church leaders and local volunteers and on social media, sharing all the opportunities with young people, with bookings coming in at a steady rate.
Will you stand with us in prayer in the lead up to events and through the periods when events are happening?
Register now to receive weekly prayer information, prayer letters from Team Leaders prior to their events, and updates as needs arise.
Thank you.
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"It was obvious that God was at work long before out event took place. We had several moments where we were truly relying on His provision in the preparation for camp and He answered our prayers to allow the event to take place. During the event we as a team were very aware of being protected by prayer. We had a great group of young people who very quickly became close friends and created a family feel to camp. God blessed us with an extremely talented team who made the holiday extra special for the young people. Some of the campers wanted to invite Jesus into their lives and were keen to know more about how to deepen their relationship with God. There was a clear sense of God's presence in worship times and God moved in both team and campers lives. We really valued your prayer support.
Team Leader