SU Scotland vision is for EVERY child and young person to explore the Bible and respond to the significance of Jesus. 

We currently run SU Groups for primary 4-7’s, but there are many children in primary 1-3 who do not have this opportunity.

Would you be interested in starting an SU Group for p1-3 children in your local school so that every child and young person can explore the Bible and respond to the significance of Jesus?

If so, please get in touch with your regional worker, or email and your local regional worker will be in touch.


Resources to use with P1-3 SU Groups:  

Bibleworld from Scottish Bible Society 
Brand new resources based on the brilliant Bibleworld Books. These resources will help you work with P1-3 children in an outdoor setting, but they are easily adaptable to use indoors. There are games, challenges, things to make and questions to talk about, all needing minimal preparation but helping everyone explore the Bible. You can find out more about Bibleworld Books here:

For more information contact   


Crossroad Kids Club: Crossroads Kids Club
There are a host of excellent short videos which tell different Bible stories in creative and engaging ways.  You will also find some songs on this site with downloadable backing tracks. Max7
There is a wealth of resources on this website for 5 to 8 year olds.  Go and explore for yourselves – you will find videos, songs, games ideas, songs on video, activity sheets and much more!


Bible App for Kids: Bible App for Kids Curriculum | Open (
The Bible App for Kids Curriculum from the LifeKids Team is a two-year curriculum designed to work in tandem with the stories in Bible App for Kids. You will need to register to see the resource in detail but it is free of charge.


One Big Story:  One Big Story | Scripture Union Scotland (
This programme is aimed at SU Groups for children in P5-P7, to take them through a Bible overview over the course of two years. 
You are welcome to use it but it will need quite a lot of adaptation for a younger audience.