Good News Stories | Day Camps
Over the past month we have had our Ayrshire day camps. Amazingly we were able to have these in person just before tier 4 came into play! Over the two Saturdays we had 21 young people from s1-6 come along.
Bible Reflections | Certainty in this time of Uncertainty
Even though this year hasn’t been great, I am very glad to be a Christian in these times. It gives me hope of something greater than all of this. It gives me certainty in these times of uncertainty. I have the hope of eternal life that has been given to me as a gift from God.
Laura Barber | Gap Year 2020-21
I chose to do a gap year with SU Scotland because they are a Christian Charity and I really want to take the time this year to deepen my faith as well as working alongside young people.
@SU Magazine | November 2020
The brand new edition of @SU Magazine is now ready for you to enjoy. The content for this edition has been contributed almost entirely by young people who have been sharing their stories, and grilling our CEO.
Steven Randall | Gap Year 2020-21
I just left school last year, so when I found out about the SU gap year, I thought it would be a good opportunity to grow as a person and in my walk with God. Now that SU are offering a gap:comms placement, It also gave me the opportunity to use my God given skills to serve his Kingdom.
Good News Stories | Bible Alive
There is no better way to start the day than to hear the excitement when the children notice you arrive at the school and the shouts go up around the playground: ‘It’s Bible Alive!’
Kenny McKie | Celebrating 43 Years with SU
1977-2020. 43 years. Wow! We’re celebrating a lifetime of persevering, faithful and fruitful service here!
Good News Stories | Back to School with God
Our hope and prayer is that each family will spend time in prayer together each day, and that like Daniel they'll be able to say that Prayer Shapes and Prayer Saves.
Good News Stories | Magnitude
We saw God working in incredible ways through the online sessions and we are hearing stories of young people encountering God’s love for the first time.
Good News Stories | Gap Year in Lockdown
Malcolm Murchison | How lockdown was beneficial to me
Good News Stories | Scotland's Biggest Holiday Club
We want to share the incredible opportunities we have had to engage with young people during this unusual and unforeseen time.
Good News Stories | SU Groups
We want to share the incredible opportunities we have had to engage with young people during this unusual and unforeseen time.