John Allan

Hi, thank you for checking out my page! My name is John, and I am the Regional Worker in the Scottish Borders for Scripture Union Scotland. After being involved in groups and camps when I was a teenager, it's a huge privilege to be able to work for SU Scotland today. You can read on to hear about the work I am involved in. If you have any questions, or would like to find out more then please get in touch.
Prayer is a core part of all that we do in Scripture Union Scotland. Have a look at our website prayer page: where there are a number of ways you can be part of our prayer network. If you would like to join my prayer newsletter you can sign up simply using the form on the right hand side of this page. I also send out emails to a few people who are keen to get short prayer needs ahead of meetings, camps and events so if you’d like me to add you to this extra list just email me at If you would like to hear more about how to join in, please get in touch.
Local Ministry Hubs
A key way we are looking to expand our ministries is through local ministry hubs around each high school cluster, meeting once or twice a term to pray for each school, and working together to bring meaningful Christian contact to the schools in each cluster and across the region. If you’d like to be involved in a hub, you can register here.
I support and encourage our volunteers leading school SU Groups and the amazing work they do. Most primary and secondary schools welcome visitors in, or support their own staff or senior secondary pupils, to run SU Groups. If you have a connection with a particular school, I would love to explore opportunities to start SU Groups in more schools and build this ministry.
Some of our schools have prayer groups organised by local Christians that happen after school to pray for staff, children, chaplain involvement. Would you like to join or help start this kind of prayer group in your local school? I’m keen to help more prayer and SU groups flourish across the Borders.
I enjoy getting to visit churches to talk about SU Scotland ministry and it would be great to explore opportunities for how we can work together to reach the children and young people in your community through Missions/Holiday Clubs and supporting schools ministry. Is there someone in your church with a heart for mission I can work with to help you reach children in your community? Is there someone who could act as an SU Ambassador? Click here to find out more about being an Ambassador.
Let me know if there are ways I, and SU, can help your church. I can also come and preach, lead worship or speak at your youth group.
Events & Training
SU Scotland has regular events for young people to get involved with:
SPOTLIGHT for those in S1-S2 and EQUIP for S3-S6. These monthly events aim to help Christian young people think through why the Christian faith is true in the face of the big questions of today and then live it out in one of the hardest places to be a Christian: School.
There are also Borders SU events from time to time and I am planning to start up Connect Groups. For more info on these please get in touch and keep an eye on the SU Scotland's events page.
There are also training opportunities for senior secondary pupils such as:
- Pupil Leader Training to help young people get involved in leading their school SU Group.
- The Go Conference which is an annual four-day event at Lendrick Muir during the October holiday week, helping young people grow in their relationship with God and understand how the Bible shapes all areas of life: home, school, and church.
- COmMISSION is an exciting mission programme helping about 100 hundred young people every year recognise their potential, joining a mission placement on an SU team.
Weekends & Holidays
There are opportunities for children and young people to go on regional weekends which help to build friendships across the Borders, as well as week-long national SU Holidays providing exciting and fun activities from kayaking and mountain biking to drama and baking, as well as lots of Bible exploration, group time and worship. Our SU Holidays website is kept up to date with all the current weekends and holidays available.
Keep in touch and support Borders Scripture Union
If you want to get a fuller picture of what is happening, please register for my newsletter which comes out regularly and includes prayer points – you can fill in the form over on the right. There is also a sign-up form for if you would like to specifically support Borders SU ministry financially. Another way of supporting us is to get involved as a volunteer such as in school SU Groups, regional weekends or other ways; if this interests you, please get in touch with me to find out more!