Regional Worker, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde

New Olympia House
13 Olympia Street
G40 3TA
T: 0141 3527629

Hi! Thank you for taking the time to find out about the work in Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde. It is the area where I grew up, I live and I love! With 120 schools in the area there is always something exciting happening. If you would like to support SU Scotland’s work in these areas, have any ideas or would like to get involved, please get in touch.

Below is a snap shot of what is going on. If you want to get a fuller picture, please register for my termly newsletter, which you can do on this page. Also there are so many opportunities to further the Good News, we always need more volunteers! If time is too limited to volunteer, you can support the region financially on this page too. The more people involved in volunteering and giving - the more we can do!!



Everything we do at SU Scotland begins with prayer. I love seeing God answering our prayers in far better ways than we could have planned!

‘God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us...’ (Ephesians 3:20-21 The Message)

I would love for you to pray for the area. There are various ways you can do this. If you would like to pray for a specific school then you could visit our Pray for Schools page where you can register and help us in our vision to have every school in Scotland prayed for.

SU Scotland run a number of prayer events throughout the year which you are very welcome to attend. Please visit the SU Scotland website or contact the office for more details.



It is an incredible privilege to have the support of so many churches in the region. There is such a sense of community as churches work together in partnership to reach the children and young people in their areas.

Unfortunately I can’t be everywhere at once but I would love to support you in any way I can. Please do get in touch if you would like support running a holiday club or mission, equipping youth leaders, organising a curriculum event for your church or if you would like me to visit and share about the work of SU Scotland.



SU Groups are extra-curricular activity clubs which generally form part of a school’s informal curriculum. They can run either during a lunch time or after school and are an inclusive opportunity for children and young people to explore the Bible in a safe environment.

There are many SU Groups running across Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire and we are hugely thankful to the incredible volunteers who serve in these. Every group is different depending on the young people and the skills of the leaders and there are always opportunities for starting groups in schools!

I’d love for there to be an SU group in every school. Schools are generally very enthusiastic about having an SU Group but there is a shortage of volunteers. If you would like to know more about groups in your area or if you are interested in being involved, then please do get in touch.


Holidays and Weekends

I could talk for hours about SU Holidays (but don’t worry – I won’t!) I attended my first one at the age of 13 and at the age of 15 I discovered for the first time what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus. SU Holidays have been life changing for me and are a great way to develop relationships, get quality Bible teaching and have fun doing lots of exciting and creative activities.

Find out more on the SU Holidays website or get in touch to request holiday brochures and a DVD to promote the holidays at your church.

We will be running various weekend holidays for Primary and Secondary pupils in the area. Keep checking the website for more information or contact me for details. If you’d be interested in volunteering at a residential event I would love to hear from you.


Thank you for taking the time to read about some of the things that are happening in Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde. SU Scotland is one big family and I’d love for you to be part of it. If you can support the work by praying, giving or volunteering then please do get in contact.