gap:comms Placement Review | Gap Year 2020/21

We are now coming closer to the end of the academic year, meaning that my gap year will be ending in just a few months. With my placement finishing yesterday, I am now reflecting on how the last year has been. Not only has this gap year been unique, in that it has all been online, but also because I am the first SU Scotland gap year to do the gap:comms placement.

Trusting in God’s Provision | Gap Year 2020-21

When we applied for our gap year, we were expecting to be helping with camps, school lunch clubs, travelling to offices and much more. This is what we were hoping to do and is what we were planning on doing with our year, however, God had a different vision for our year...

Bible Reflections | Certainty in this time of Uncertainty

Even though this year hasn’t been great, I am very glad to be a Christian in these times. It gives me hope of something greater than all of this. It gives me certainty in these times of uncertainty. I have the hope of eternal life that has been given to me as a gift from God.

Steven Randall | Gap Year 2020-21

I just left school last year, so when I found out about the SU gap year, I thought it would be a good opportunity to grow as a person and in my walk with God. Now that SU are offering a gap:comms placement, It also gave me the opportunity to use my God given skills to serve his Kingdom.