Our Prayer Diary - by post

A printed Prayer Diary is posted out three times per year with our @SU magazine. We also post out printed Prayer Diaries for SU International and SU India. 

You can request these via the Sign me up button at the bottom of this page.

Daily and monthly Prayer Points - by email

Subscribe at the foot of the page to receive a Daily Prayer Point from SU Scotland by email every morning.

Since there is a time lag between daily prayer points being written, more current prayer points crop up and are sent out to supporters as Monthly Prayer Points. This is an A4 sheet on Microsoft Word outlining our needs for the following calendar month. The prayer sheet is suitable for personal use or can be forwarded on to others at church or a prayer group and contains prayer requests not just for ourselves but for our partners in other SU movements. In signing up for monthly prayer points you will also be emailed urgent prayer needs as these come in. Email pray@suscotland.org.uk if you would like to add your name to this mailing list.

Prayer Points - via the PrayerMate app

PrayerMate is an App that allows you to make up your own daily prayer list, as well as receive daily prayer points from organisations - including SU Scotland, SU England and Wales and SU International.

Download the app on whatever device you choose, then subscribe to our feed by following the instructions below. 

  • Open the app and click through the set up menu (you can add personal lists now, or wait until later).
  • Once you are on the main page, click the plus sign "add" at the top of the screen. 
  • At "Explore Content" choose "Mission", then search under "Evangelism & Youth Work"
  • Scroll to find "Scripture Union Scotland." Organisations are in alphabetical order. Scripture Union England & Wales and Scripture Union International also appear beside SU Scotland.
  • At the top of the screen, click "subscribe to this feed."
  • Choose which category you want it to appear in (you can change and add your own categories too)
  • Pray with us daily!

For a screen-by-screen photo guide, click here. 

Praying for SU Internationally

You can subscribe to receive news and prayer requests either by post or by email from SU International and SU India via the Sign me Up button at the foot of the page.

A few prayer points for SU internationally are also included in the Monthly Prayer Points we email subscribers, alongside prayer points for the coming month for SU Scotland. In subscribing to these, you will also be emailed urgent prayer needs for both Scotland and SU worldwide as emergencies arise. 

When war broke out in Ukraine in February 2022 we also started emailing prayer points concerning the work of Open Bible in Ukraine. As news comes in, updates continue to be sent out. If you would like to be added to this mailing list, contact pray@suscotland.org.uk.

Scripture Union Global also emails out a monthly Global Prayer News. This is an informative email which keeps the supporter abreast with developments and raises awareness for prayer. Check out the Scripture Union Global website for general information about SU internationally. You can find the link to subscribe to the Global Prayer News here

Praying with others

One of the joys of prayer is fellowship with one another. 

If two or three come together in my name, I am there with them. Matthew 18:20.


Join with others in your own locality to pray for SU ministry where you live. Prayer groups are hosted by SU supporters as well as Regional and Associate Workers, and bring folks together once a month either in person or online to hear what God is doing in the local context, to pray for schools and SU events, and for SU more widely. Many use the monthly prayer sheet mentioned above to pray into urgent needs we have as an organisation.

Find out when and where you can meet with others by visiting our Events page. However not all regional events are guaranteed to be posted. To find out if there is a prayer gathering in your area, email your Regional Worker to check if they lead one, or email pray@suscotland.org.uk and our Prayer Coordinator will try and point you in the right direction.

Many prayer groups have been running faithfully over many years - indeed a prayer group in Edinburgh celebrates its 65th anniversary later this year! We would love to see new prayer groups springing up, either in person or online. If you would like to start an SU prayer group, please get in touch. 

Join in, make new friends, and be blessed!


We also provide opportunities to pray together as a big SU family across Scotland. Our Pray for Summer Events evening is one such opportunity, drawing folk from different parts of Scotland to pray for SU Holidays, Missions and Magnitude just as the summer programme begins. Held at the end of June, you can find out more from our Events page nearer the time. We also gather together as SU supporters across the nation to pray for our SU partners in other countries during the SU Global Week of Prayer in November. Again, check the Events page early in November to find out how to join in.


Each Thursday recently some folks have come together online to pray at 8am and 5pm for the situation in Ukraine and in other areas of conflict. This prayer gathering is led by SU International. For further information, email pray@suscotland.org.uk.

Each November there is an SU Global Week of Prayer. A Sunday launch evening sets the theme for the week and has contributors from different nations. Throughout the week there are opportunities to join in prayer gatherings on different days, including a dedicated SU Scotland International Prayer Gathering where we can pray for our own partner movements. The week concludes with a 24/7 drop-in event, where different countries host a half-hour slot. Find out more from the Scripture Union Global website, or our Events page early in November.


Sign me up
Visit our subscription page to sign up for any/all these mailings - and thanks for praying with us!